Disability Insurance

Keeping your life going

Disability is often called the “forgotten risk,” as few employees think about how they would survive financially with no earned income. The impact of a disabling illness or injury, both financially and emotionally, can be devastating without help. Disability generally means that you are unable to perform the material duties of your regular occupation.

When an illness or injury keeps you from being able to work for an extended period of time, Disability Insurance provides income protection. There are three different programs that provide this protection:

  • Short-Term Disability (STD)
  • Long-Term Disability (LTD)
  • Individual Disability Income (IDI)

The best part is how they can work together so you never miss a beat. As the names imply, Short-Term covers those times when you’re unable to work for more than a few days, and Long-Term kicks in when it’s more than just a short stint. Individual is your chance to enhance your Long-Term benefits. Click the menu to the right to learn more about each type of Disability Insurance.